The Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) is an association (law 1901) which brings together engineering, management and multiple or specific higher education schools, all recognised by the State, awarding a diploma certifying at least five years of study after the baccalaureate and conferring a master’s degree, as well as for some of them a national diploma.
The CGE accredits training courses for its members (Specialised Masters ®, MSc, BADGE). A true label of quality, this accreditation guarantees that the programmes meet the expectations of the labour market, and promotes the development and influence of higher education and research institutions, with the aim of excellence, in liaison with the public authorities, economic players and society.
CDEFM – With the creation of the « Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises de Management » on March 25, 2021, management schools have a privileged space for sharing and discussion as well as a dedicated lever of visibility. The primary mission of the CDEFM is to act as their spokesperson to the French government, the European Union, student and employer associations, national and international accreditation bodies and other international bodies responsible for teaching and research.
In order to represent all the voices of its members, the CDEFM is organized around a board of directors and thematic commissions. Françoise Roudier, Dean of Clermont School of Business, is a member of this board along with 8 other school directors (AUDENCIA, EDHEC, ESCP, ESSEC, HEC Paris, NEOMA, SKEMA and TBS).
The Alliance des Grandes Écoles Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (AGERA) is an association (law 1901) which brings together 40 Grandes Ecoles of the Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne Region and is one of the most important regional conferences of schools in France. Its vocation is to represent all the schools in the Rhône-Alpes and Auvergne regions, local authorities in general, public authorities and regional, national and international bodies, and to propose themes for discussion, exchanges of experience, partnerships and the pooling of resources to its members.
Clermont School of Business is a member of the Digital League. Digital League is the digital cluster in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. An ecosystem that brings together companies of all sizes, as well as schools, laboratories and investors. On a daily basis, Digital League promotes the exchange of best practices between entrepreneurs, schools, laboratories, investors and institutions to create winning synergies.
The Auvergne brand is the association that contributes to the collective appeal of the 4 departements, so that Auvergne continues to shine and exist as a territorial brand.
Clermont School of Business is one of the 19 leading management schools that are members of the BCE competition. BCE, the Common Bank of Tests, organizes the common competition that allows entry into the Grande École Program of business and management schools which deliver a Bac+5 diploma accredited by the Ministry of National Education, granting the Master’s degree. The competition is open to students from general and technological economic and commercial preparatory classes, as well as students from literary preparatory classes B/L: Letters and Social Sciences and BEL: ENS Ulm ENS de Lyon, as well as independent candidates.