#Executive Education

Clermont School of Business: A Key Player in Promoting Professional Equality and Combating Discrimination

Clermont School of Business has won a national call for tenders to train the staff and elected officials of the Departmental Council of Puy-de-Dôme (CD63), thus confirming its expertise in continuing education. This collaboration, which began in November 2024, focuses on high-impact themes that resonate with major societal concerns.

Training for a Fairer Future

The Continuing Education Department of Clermont School of Business was selected to train all staff and elected officials of the Departmental Council of Puy-de-Dôme (CD63) on three crucial themes:

  • Sexist and sexual violence in the workplace
  • Gender-stereotype-free communication
  • Professional equality

This unprecedented collaboration with the Department of Puy-de-Dôme is part of the first Equality & Diversity Training Plan: as the winner of the 2024 National Fund for Professional Equality, the Department plays a crucial role in promoting equality through its expertise and its Horizon 2030 Strategic Plan.

This victory is the result of a highly competitive national call for tenders, for which 21 applications were submitted, including those from internationally renowned institutions. Clermont School of Business’s application was selected for the quality of its educational content, praised for its scientific expertise and academic value.

Clermont School of Business - Equipe Formation Continue

An Educational Vision Led by a Trio of Experts

What truly made the difference was the outstanding profile of the three experts leading the project, all members of CleRMa (Clermont Research Management), the management sciences research laboratory at Clermont:

  • Pascale Borel: Permanent Professor of Marketing, she teaches Marketing Strategy, Marketing Studies, and Market Analysis as well as gender stereotypes and professional inequalities.
  • Marina Bourgain: Permanent Professor of Management and Human Resources, she teaches Qualitative Research Methods, Change Management, and Organizational Behavior.
  • Domitille Bonneton: Permanent Professor of Management and Human Resource Management, her research focuses on international HR management, particularly talent management in multinational companies.

Their commitment and expertise convinced the decision-makers of the Departmental Council, positioning Clermont School of Business as a key player in promoting professional equality and combating discrimination.

A Major Project

The first sessions, held in November and January, were highly successful, demonstrating the interest and engagement of participants in these essential themes. In total, the project includes 12 training sessions, organized at the Departmental Hotel until June 2025.

This success once again highlights the academic excellence and expertise of Clermont School of Business, not only as an educational institution but also as a committed partner addressing contemporary societal challenges.

We emphasize the quality of the training and the trainers, as well as the enthusiasm they generated: all sessions were fully booked, with even a waiting list of 24 participants for the training on sexist and sexual violence in the workplace. This collaboration and transfer of skills contribute to a lasting integration of the values of equality and diversity that we uphold as a community and share with our partners, including Clermont School of Business.

Maha ISSAOUI Head of the Equality Mission and
Combating Discrimination
’’ Created with Sketch.

Did You Know?

Gender equality is an increasingly prominent societal issue. Legislative and regulatory progress is made year after year, but the path to equality remains long and challenging. As a community committed to solidarity and proximity, the Department of Puy-de-Dôme, with its expertise, has an important role to play.

First Equality and Diversity Training Plan

Raising awareness among all staff is a key focus of the multi-year action plan for equality. The goal is to permanently embed the values of equality and diversity into professional practices, at all levels and in all professions.

In this context, and to spread this culture more effectively within the services, a collaboration was established between the Mission for Combating Discrimination and Gender Inequality of the Departmental Council of Puy-de-Dôme, the training unit, and Clermont School of Business. As a result, 12 training sessions were offered for 2024-2025.

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