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ESC Clermont Business School has obtained the renewal of its AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation for 5 years. The report praises several good practices of the school such as pedagogical innovation, the “glocal” positioning and international development.
Five more years…
Since 2006, ESC Clermont Business School is one of the AACSB accredited Business Schools in the world, and there are currently 901 of them!
This international accreditation rewards institutions for the quality of their management training. To date, only 7% of business schools worldwide and 24 in France are AACSB accredited.
This international distinction, a recognized guarantee of excellence, evaluates the institution’s mission, governance and strategic objectives, as well as the institutional environment and context, alliances and agreements established, faculty, research, students and training programs.
The renewal of this accreditation for 5 years proves once again the quality of the degrees delivered by ESC Clermont Business School, in a multicultural context.
Among the good practices highlighted in the commission’s report, the auditors praised :
- The human dimension of the School, at the heart of its DNA and totally in line with its mission and values. This leads to a high quality learning experience for students, guaranteed by personalized support and an individual approach, as well as by student mobility that encourages the acquisition of soft skills. It is also reflected in an exceptional teaching community that brings together permanent and affiliated professors around a common project and shared values.
- The strategic positioning within its territory, allowing it to be at the forefront of the current and emerging needs of its economic structure and companies in general,
- The development of the Learning Lab, allowing professors to test new pedagogical approaches and promote best practices for the benefit of students.
« We are very proud to learn that the commission has renewed its confidence in us. While the auditors emphasized the school’s strong values, which underpin the pedagogical model, they were also impressed by the quality and relevance of the specialization courses connected to the professions of tomorrow. We are encouraged to further strengthen our academic positioning around issues of managerial responsibility, which expresses our credo “Make Sense”. » comments Françoise Roudier, Director General of ESC Clermont Business School.
An update on the school’s accreditations
In addition to the AACSB accreditation, ESC Clermont Business School is EFMD Bachelor accredited since 2019 and AMBA for its Master Grande Ecole program and its MBA Executive Master in Management since 2020.
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