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People of the Auvergne Region are Proud to Live Here! Yes, But How Proud Are They?
To answer this question, Arnaud Banoun, permanent professor at ESC Clermont Business School and researcher at CleRMa, has coordinated an unprecedented barometer study in partnership with the association “La Marque Auvergne”. One of the main objectives of the study has been to obtain a clear picture of the commitment of the people of Auvergne to their region, and then to put in place innovative and relevant actions to strengthen this commitment.
People of the Auvergne are Proud and Happy to be ‘Auvergnats’ – Let’s Promote This!
The 1st scientific barometer dedicated to Auvergne pride has delivered its results. Initiated by the association ‘La Marque Auvergne’ in collaboration with the CleRMA research laboratory and the ESC Clermont Business School, the objective was simple: to measure the pride of ‘Auvergnats’ in a methodical way and to understand their attachment to and commitment to the Auvergne Region.
Coordinated by Arnaud Banoun, one a faculty member of the ESC Clermont Business School and researcher at CleRMa, with the help of researchers from North America, this barometer involved sending out 3 questionnaires between July 2022 and May 2023. More than 2,500 people responded to the 1st questionnaire (and 1,100 to the 2nd and 1,070 to the 3rd).
The main results of this study show that:
- 3 dominant words to describe the ‘Auvergne’ identity: nature (94% of respondents), tradition, gastronomy and local produce (91.5%), as well as sporting and cultural activities (67%).
- The Auvergne has two sides to it: Auvergnats describe the Auvergne as beautiful (98%), clean (74%), active (68%), strong (60%), but also slow (25%).
- Auvergnats are concerned about the image of their region (86% of respondents). 62.5% say they are interested in what others think of the Auvergne.
- A unique place for Auvergnats: 51% believe that no other place can be compared to the Auvergne!
- A very strong attachment: 95% say they love their region.
- 70% feel they are part of the Auvergne family.
- 72% think that being Auvergnat is an important part of who they are.
- 4 out of 5 Auvergnats say they are proud to be Auvergnats. Moreover, 87% encourage others to come to the Auvergne.
- Well established locals and expatriates returning: 87% of Auvergnats intend to stay here and 25% of expatriates to return soon. This intention to return is explained by the fact that expatriate Auvergnats are very attached to the Auvergne Region (they love its landscapes, its lifestyle, etc.), reinforced by their attachment to collective values (solidarity, family, friendship).
- The Auvergne is just as important to Auvergnats as France: the feeling of belonging to the Auvergne community is just as strong as the feeling of pride in France.
- Pride in the Auvergne makes people happy: Identifying with and being proud to be a part of the Region has a positive statistical impact on the happiness of Auvergnats. Attachment to the region (feeling linked to the region, being committed to it and showing solidarity with it) and being in tune with the region (liking the region, its landscapes, its living environment, etc.) are the two main drivers of this pride in the Auvergne.
- Auvergnats who are committed to the activities and the daily life of region: 66% say they are involved, 58% display symbols of Auvergne at home and at work. 79.5% defend the Auvergne when people from other regions criticize it. 60.5% feel that criticizing the Auvergne is a personal insult.
- The more you represent and the more you “give” to the Auvergne = the happier you are. Another interesting statistical link: adopting an ambassadorial attitude towards the Auvergne (i.e. defending it when others attack it, encouraging others to come and visit) has a positive statistical effect on the happiness and fulfilment of Auvergnats.
- Attachment to the region and identification with Auvergne, are major levers for commitment to Auvergne. The key to encouraging Auvergnats to promote their region is by strengthening their “emotional” relationship with the region as well as their identification with the Auvergne. The feeling of identifying with the people of Auvergne is also an accelerator of commitment.
- Locals have more pride and expatriates feel more attached and are better ambassadors. Auvergnats wherever they may live, share a strong attachment to the Auvergne. Expatriates, however, are more attached to the Auvergne and are by far its best ambassadors. Locals, on the other hand, are happier and prouder of the Auvergne.
- For the 4 counties of the Auvergne Region, we can confirm a high level of pride in and attachment to the regional identity. In terms of differences, the Cantal and Haute-Loire counties lead the way in terms of attachment, identification, and volunteerism. The Cantal clearly stands out in terms of ambassadorial behavior and perceived similarity with the people of the Auvergne. The Allier County falls behind on several criteria, such as pride, appropriateness, and ambassadorial behavior. As for the Puy-de-Dôme, it falls in the middle of the ranking for most of the criteria assessed.
- Collective values, the common denominator for people born in and outside Auvergne. Being born in the Auvergne has a very clear impact on most of the criteria measured, with scores being systematically higher for people born in the region. However, the score is exactly the same for attachment to collective values. There is also a very strong correlation between these two populations and Auvergne.
- The only difference between men and women lies in commitment, volunteering and, in general, ambassadorial behavior. Men were found to be significantly more ambassadors for the Auvergne than women.
- The older we get, the more we feel that the Auvergne has a good image/reputation outside the region. Younger and older people are the best ambassadors. A very positive note for the future of our region: the youngest are the proudest.
Auvergne lovers have plenty of reasons to look to the future with confidence!
Did you know?
As experts in their field, the École’s permanent teaching staff are involved in research activities. As teacher-researchers, their work is published in top-level scientific journals in both French and English; they also write books and case studies.
They may also coordinate the preparation of books in collaboration with other researchers, speak at conferences as guest speakers or present their work at national and international symposia.
The quality of the research carried out by ESC Clermont Business School’s teacher-researchers is also measured in terms of impact. This scientific work must be able to shed light on current issues and be of interest to as many people as possible.
ESC Clermont Business School’s research is conducted within the CleRMa laboratory (Clermont Recherche Management, a joint management science research laboratory of UCA and ESC Clermont Business School) and deals with sustainable management. They are divided into three areas:
AMPHI theme (Alternative Management, Human Potential, Innovation)
STeRA Axis (Strategy, Territory and Networks of Actors)
FIRE (Finance, Information and Corporate Responsibility)
Today, the School’s permanent teaching staff is made up of around fifty teacher-researchers, all of whom are committed to raising the School’s profile and establishing its expertise and legitimacy, both in France and abroad.
Research is a high on the list of strategic objectives for ESC Clermont BS!
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