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Les Cordées de la réussite** : Fostering Academic Ambition
As a state-accredited institution of higher education, ESC Clermont takes part in the “Cordées de la réussite” scheme which is aimed at motivating students from all social backgrounds from the 4th grade upwards. The objective is to introduce greater social equity by offering several support actions to groups of middle and high school students from priority education networks to facilitate their access to higher education.
A Scheme Based on a Network of Local Establishments.
Today, there are more than 900 “Cordées de la réussite” networks throughout France, run by universities and engineering and business schools. In concrete terms, a “Cordée de la réussite” is based on a partnership between:
- a higher education institution as the “cordée leader”,
- educational establishments where students do not usually consider the possibility of continuing to study in higher education: general, technological, or vocational secondary schools that are part of priority education networks, priority neighborhoods or rural areas far from metropolitan areas.
Alongside the Department of Business and Administration Management (GEA) of the Clermont Auvergne IUT, the ESC Clermont Business School has been “rope leader” for several years now for two Clermont establishments, the Amédée Gasquet Vocational High School and the Sidoine Apollinaire general and Technological High School.
Projects to Build and Implement a Career Plan
During the course of this year, this team, which has been labelled «La Cordée Alizé”, proposed several projects to the students of these schools:
- a one-week learning expedition to Portugal to discover the cultural and educational differences of another European Union country
- a day in Lyon with a visit to museums and exploration of the capital of the AuRA region
- a cultural outing to the Opera-Theatre of Clermont,
- a visit to L’Oréal Vichy to discover the different jobs in the industry.
The aim of these actions is to help participants to build and implement a career plan and thus to move towards either further studies in higher education or professional integration.
Beyond Awareness: Widening the Field of Possibilities
The Cordées de la Réussite scheme enables many secondary school students to discover the world of higher education and to familiarize themselves with a world that may seem inaccessible or distant. They raise awareness among the youngest, break down certain cultural barriers, and can inspire… On the other hand, although the scheme succeeds in arousing academic ambition, it does not, in concrete terms, make it possible to democratize access to higher studies.
Aware of the economic obstacles encountered today by many high school students, and to truly promote equal opportunities and social openness, the Groupe ESC Clermont Foundation intends to pursue its efforts and consolidate the measures it proposes to promote access to learning for potential students with modest resources.
Did You Know?
Created in 2016, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, thanks to the commitment of 6 corporate sponsors, the Groupe ESC Clermont Foundation’s mission is to support the development and influence of the ESC Clermont Business School by accompanying it in the implementation of its educational strategy.
At the service of students, graduates and companies, the Groupe ESC Clermont Foundation finances, each year, projects along 4 main lines:
- social inclusion and equal opportunities
- pedagogical innovations and applied research,
- entrepreneurial dynamics,
- professional integration.
One of the objectives of the foundation is to promote the implementation of a human and social policy of quality of life, equality, and diversity of learners within the school. In 2022, thanks to companies, partners and graduates who generously donate, a total of €138,000 was raised to provide student scholarships (+27% compared to 2021).
** “Cordée” in French refers to a group of mountaineers roped together during an ascent and ‘réussite’ means success.
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