Bachelor in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Management
The Bachelor in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Management aims to train students in the corporate environment and in the techniques and practices of professions in digital communication and commerce.
Bachelor in International Management
Our 3-year Bachelor in International Management Program is fully-accredited by the French Ministry of Education. It is designed to offer solid grounding in the main fields of business and management as well as hands-on practical training.
Master in Management
Our Master in Management will provide you with a solid background in the main fields of management and will enable you to broaden your knowledge and expertise in a wide range of specialisation areas.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science Digital Marketing & Artificial Intelligence
This programme, taught in English, aims to develop advanced skills in digital marketing, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to meet current and future market needs.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science
Business Intelligence & Analytics
This MSc - Master of Science aims to train Business Intelligence and Analytics professionals who need to provide decision support to managers.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science
Corporate Finance & Fintech
Get the training and qualifications you need to find a highly qualified position in Corporate Finance & Fintech’s.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science
International Commerce & Digital Marketing
Our MSc - Master of Science in International Business & Digital Marketing is designed to provide future sales Executives with in-depth training and expertise in digital-centric skills.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science
Procurement & Supply Chain Management
As a student of this program, you will acquire all the concepts, methods and tools you will need to become a professional in the SCM field, with numerous opportunities to establish your career in all sectors, activities in small, medium or large-sized companies alike.
Master of Science
MSc – Master of Science
Project Management
The MSc - Master of Science in Project Management will provide you with all the skills and potential to become a highly efficient project leader.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – AI et Data Management
Le Master in International Business « AI et Data Management » de Clermont School of Business, est un programme offshore avec pour partenaire : Meilleure Education
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Business Management
This program will enable you to adopt an international vision of business and reinforce your management knowledge and skills.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Corporate Finance
The Master in International Business ‘corporate finance’ Program has been developed in partnership with EPIM and allows you to adopt an international vision of business and to reinforce your knowledge in Business and Management.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Doing Business in Asia / Double-diplôme ISMAC
This Program has been developed in partnership with ISMAC to enable students of ISMAC to reinforce their knowledge in Business and Management.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – International Affairs
The Master in International Business ‘International Affairs’ Program has been developed in partnership with EPIM and allows you to adopt an international vision of business and to reinforce your knowledge in Business and Management.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Management of Health Care Institutions
This Management of Health Care Institutions programme offers students an in-depth understanding of all aspects of management relating to institutions in the health care sector.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Marketing Digital
The Master in International Business ‘Marketing Digital’ Program has been developed in partnership with EPIM to enable EPIM students to adopt an international vision of business and to reinforce their knowledge in Business and Management.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Business – Project Management
The Master in International Business ‘Project Management’ Program has been developed to enable you to adopt an international vision of business and to reinforce your knowledge in Business and Management.
MIB / MIM Programs
MIB / MIM: Master in International Management
The Master in International Management Program has been developed to enable you to adopt an international vision of business and to reinforce your knowledge in Business and Management.
DBA Program
DBA: Doctorate of Business Administration
The Clermont BS DBA programe has been designed to meet academic, scientific, and shared educational commitment goals and is intended to prepare the way for a richer and more fruitful future for management sciences and its actors.