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Spectacular progress in the overall impact of the ESC Clermont Business School on the local economy
Results of the latest BSIS survey have shown a significant increase in the impact of ESC Clermont BS on its local ecosystem as well as a significant increase in its economic contribution.
What is the BSIS impact study?
The BSIS (Business School Impact System) survey, developed together by the FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) and the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), is designed to measure the extent and nature of the impact of a business school on its local economy.
The survey is conducted with the use of a new and original methodology, which identifies and measures the material and immaterial impact of a Grande Ecole on its local environment in relation to its various educational activities and study programs. The BSIS survey covers several levels of impact including financial, educational, business development, intellectual, regional ecosystem, societal and image.
The most recent survey has revealed a significant increase in the financial impact of ESC Clermont BS, parallel to the growing number of students and educational activities, since the very first BSIS audit carried out in 2017.
ESC Clermont BS – BSIS study on the Auvergne impact area (Allier, Cantal, Haute-Loire, and Puy de Dome) since the last audit in 2017 :
Students spend a total annual amount of 27.3 M€ (compared to 10 M€ in 2017) on various daily living expenses (housing, food, transport, leisure activities…).
- ESC Clermont BS has an impact of 167 M€/year on its territory
(Year 2017: 69 M€) - Amount spent by students 27.3 M€
(year 2017: 10 M€) - 1€ of public subsidies = 195.3€.
(Year 2017: €43)
The survey shows that internships and work-study missions carried out by ESC Clermont BS students represent a global equivalent of 884 full-time positions held in local companies. This confirms the strong contribution of the ESC Clermont BS to the development of skills and the performance of economic actors of the impact area.
In terms of professional integration, results of the survey show that over 2300 ESC Clermont BS graduates are currently employed in the Auvergne region including 432 graduates who originally arrived in Clermont to complete their training and obtain a degree at the business school.
Finally, the survey highlights consistent and multifaceted links with the regional ecosystem including economic events and conferences held at the ESC, business creation in progress via the SquareLab open incubator, and more than 400 professionals from local companies and institutions involved in the daily life of the School (+100 vs 2017).
Educational impact:
- 63% of ESC students originate from another French region or from abroad (Year 2017: 54%).
- 2300 graduates are currently working in the impact area, of which 432 are international (Year 2017: 1400 graduates)
Economic impact:
- 400 professionals from local companies and institutions are involved in the life of the school (300 in 2017)
- 29 start-ups created in the last 12 months
- 112 jobs created in incubated companies
Digital communication via major social networks is playing a major role in the school’s image impact. The number of social media followers has sometimes doubled. Social media, the impact of networks and interaction with communities are all having a significant impact on the brand and e-reputation of the school and have become an absolute necessity in boosting the school’s influence and visibility.
The ESC Clermont Business School contributes to the dynamism and development of the region’s dynamic forces. It creates value for the actors of its ecosystem and strengthens the local economy.
In fine, results of the survey show the economic value generated by ESC Clermont BS within its region and its positive impact on public and private stakeholders. Furthermore, the report highlights the direct and indirect economic impact of public subsidies: for every €1 of subsidy received by the school, €195.3 of economic value is created in the impact area within the four counties of the Auvergne region.
The BSIS process is reserved for schools that are members of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). The label is a certified proof of international appreciation for schools that consider their impact as a vital part of their local economy.
*FNEGE: Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement et le Gestion des Entreprises
*EFMB: European Foundation for Management Development
*BSIS: Business School Impact System
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