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Latest News on the Campus Trudaine XL Construction Site
A meeting was held among the Trudaine XL Campus extension project leaders and financial partners yesterday to monitor the progress of the building. After several months of preparatory studies and work, the site is now at the “closed and covered” stage, with handover scheduled for spring 2024.
A Tour of the Site in the Presence of our Partners and Financial Sponsors
To mark this key stage in the Bouygues Bâtiment-constructor-led project, Richard Soparnot, CEO of ESC Clermont BS, welcomed the representatives and then invited our partners and financial sponsors to visit the campus site.
The moral and financial commitment of our partners and local authorities has enabled us to expand and embellish our school. I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the personalities who have supported our development…
Following the visit, Yves Jamon, President of the School, outlined the stages of the project and thanked all those involved in its realisation, in particular the local authorities (the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, the City of Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont Auvergne Métropole and the Puy-de-Dôme Departmental Council) for their commitment to this major investment in the future of ESC Clermont BS.
Speeches were made by Olivier Bianchi, Mayor of Clermont and President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole, and Lionel Chauvin, President of the Puy-de-Dôme Departmental Council.
“I am particularly pleased to have enabled ESC Clermont BS to expand on its historic site, now benefiting from a comprehensive long lease […] The metropolis is determined to contribute to the attractiveness of high-level establishments and training courses”
Olivier Bianchi, Mayor of Clermont and President of Clermont Auvergne Métropole
“I am convinced that the vitality, influence and attractiveness of the Auvergne Region depend on the unity of all its economic players, and I am delighted that ESC Clermont BS is making a lasting contribution to the Region.”
Lionel Chauvin, President of the Puy-de-Dôme County Council
It was then the turn of Jean-Pierre Brenas, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Councillor for the Clermont-Ferrand area, to speak about the financial support that the Region wished to give to this building project, which is absolutely essential for the students of ESC Clermont BS.
“Under the impetus of Laurent Wauquiez, our Region is proud to be investing €4m in the extension of the Trudaine Campus, thereby providing students and users with a living and working environment that encourages innovation, cooperation, openness – both territorial and international – and entrepreneurship in all its forms”.
Jean-Pierre Brenas, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Councillor for the Clermont-Ferrand area.
The completion of the structural works physically outlines the Campus Trudaine XL, a coherent and attractive building complex for all students and future students, as well as for staff and other campus users.
Today, the work concerns the finishing operations, followed by the equipment phases (digital, furniture, catering, etc.) which have been the subject of dedicated working groups.
In a few months’ time, ESC Clermont Business School will enjoy a 14,000 m² campus in the heart of the city, a considerable asset for increasing our attractiveness to future students and being in pole position to play an even greater role in the dynamics of the Clermont-Ferrand university site.
Did you know?
This building project has been made possible thanks to the support of local and regional authorities, which are providing 50% of the total investment (€4m from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, €3m from Clermont Auvergne Métropole).
The project also benefits from a tripartite bank loan granted by the three banks that are members of the School’s governance (Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Caisse d’Épargne Auvergne Limousin, Crédit Agricole Centre France), representing 30% of the investment, and 20% self-financing by SAS Groupe ESC Clermont Auvergne Développement.
Lastly, in line with the school’s policy on environmental responsibility, the building project aims to achieve RT2012-20% certification, an E3C1 carbon-energy rating and BREEAM ‘very good’ certification.
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