#Student experience

Boosting Local Vegetable Sales: Strategies to Incite Clermont Shoppers to Buy Local Produce

Under the supervision of Cédrine Zumbo-Lebrument and Oriane Dambrune (Retail Designer), students from the bachelor’s program specializing in Retail Management are participating in a pedagogical case developed in partnership with the Auchan Aubière superstore and the Territorial Food Project of Grand Clermont and Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park (PAT).

How can we inspire Clermont-Ferrand residents, and particularly Aubiere Store customers, to prioritize locally sourced items in their shopping choices? Could this involve reimagining product displays, conducting field visits, engaging in collaborative sessions with retail designers, and convening meetings with key stakeholders including citizens and local producers? To effectively accomplish the mission entrusted by Auchan and PAT, students must first comprehend the nuances of future food trends and recognize the significance of fostering a sustainable agricultural and food ecosystem.

Armed with this knowledge and aware of the challenges, they will then conduct a thorough market analysis and understand the expectations of the store’s consumers, before formulating strategic choices in terms of layout and assortments and proposing an innovative customer experience. To illustrate their final presentation scheduled for May 22nd, they will need to provide a 3D visualization of their proposal along with a budget estimate.

*With the Territorial Food Project, stakeholders in the Grand Clermont and Livradois-Forez Regional Nature Park territories invite us to evolve our food model towards greater autonomy, justice, and sustainability. Learn more.

A Central Topic at the Heart of Many Concerns

With this concrete challenge, students can develop their skills in various key areas of commerce and management while enriching their knowledge around a central and topical subject in a world disrupted by climate change: local and sustainable food.

By addressing the real issue of a retail sector company, students gain valuable practical experience. Indeed, by analyzing the competitive environment, developing strategic thinking, and implementing creative methods such as ideation and Point of Sale creativity, they learn to lead a project from A to Z and make strategic decisions based on tangible data.

This educational project represents a valuable opportunity for our students to put their theoretical knowledge and skills into practice in a real context while initiating a reflection on a project of local and societal importance.

Cédrine Zumbo-Lebrument Teacher-Researcher
Educational Manager
’’ Created with Sketch.

One of the School’s missions and those of its partners is to support the development of the local economy by mobilizing knowledge and energies around educational, ecological, societal, and economic issues. By creating bridges between actors who do not necessarily interact, in this case by bringing together the PAT Grand Clermont/Parc Livradois-Forez and Auchan Aubière hypermarket, ESC Clermont BS contributes to the emergence of enriching synergies.

Did you know?

ESC Clermont BS makes learning experience one of its priorities! Field sessions, case studies, challenges, meetings, etc. Throughout their journey, our students have the opportunity to leave the traditional classroom setting to experience immersive educational experiences and thus strengthen their understanding of theoretical concepts. Diving directly into the real world of business and commerce enhances students’ engagement and promotes knowledge retention!

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