AccueilMélissa FOX-MURATON – Professeur de Philosophie
Mélissa FOX-MURATON est docteur en philosophie et docteur en lettres, Professeur de Philosophie à Clermont School of Business, et membre du laboratoire de Philosophies et Rationalités (PHIER, Université Clermont Auvergne). Auteur de Ontologie de la chair : phantasmes philosophiques et médicaux de la conceptualisation narrative (Lambert-Lucas 2013) ainsi que de nombreux articles, ses recherches portent sur la philosophie existentielle, notamment l’œuvre de Søren Kierkegaard.
En quelques mots
Domaines d'Enseignement
- Philosophie politique et morale
- Ethique des affaires
- Philosophie contemporaine
Thèmes de Recherche
- Philosophie existentielle
- Philosophie morale
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Professeur de Philosophie
- Docteur en philosophie, 2020, Université Clermont Auvergne
- Docteur ès lettres, 2008, Université Blaise Pascal
- Master en philosophie et épistémologie, 2007, Université Blaise Pascal
- Maîtrise de philosophie, 2006, Université Blaise Pascal
- DEA de littératures modernes et contemporaines, 2004, Université Blaise Pascal
- Maîtrise de lettres modernes, 2003, Université Blaise Pascal
- Bachelor of Arts (Licence) en philosophie et lettres modernes, 2002, Kalamazoo College (USA)
Expériences professionnelles
Depuis 2008 : Clermont School of Business – Professeur de philosophie
Fox-Muraton M., 2021. Aphantasia and the language of imagination : A Wittgensteinian exploration.Analiza i Egzystencja.
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Kierkegaard and Beauvoir : Existential Ethics as a Humanism. Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, pp. 241-264
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. A World Without Imagination ? Consequences of Aphantasia for an Existential Account of Self », History of European Ideas, Special Issue : « Imagination in Kierkegaard (and Beyond) ».
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Existence Philosophy as a Humanism? Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. There is no teleological suspension of the ethical : Kierkegaard’s logic against religious justification and moral exceptionalism. Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, vol.23, Issue 1.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017. « Être sans destin » : Imre Kertész, ou le concept d’existence constamment rapporté à Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Habermas and Kierkegaard on Existential Ethics and Liberal Eugenics. Estudios kierkegaardianos. Revista de Filosofía.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Faith in the Mode of Absence: Kierkegaard’s Jewish Readers in 1930s France (Rachel Bespaloff, Benjamin Fondane, Lev Shestov, and Jean Wahl). Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2015. The Truth Behind the Text: Rachel Bespaloff as a Reader of Kierkegaard from ‘the Most Torn-Apart Backdrop of History’. Kierkegaard StudiesYearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2014. Death, solitude and being-with. Topos : Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Love, Death and the Limits of Singularity. Kierkegaard StudiesYearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Election or the Individual? Levinas on Kierkegaard’s Challenges to Judaism. Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook.
Fox-Muraton M., 2022, Kierkegaard et Wittgenstein. Logique, Langage, Existence, Limoges, Editions Lambert et Lucas, 320 pages.
Dabrowski A., Fox-Muraton M., Jakubczak M., (eds.), 2021. Embodied cognition & Existential philosophy for times of change and crisis. Argument, Biannual Philosophical Journal, vol. 11, n°1. Guest Editor
Fox-Muraton M., à paraître. Coordination numéro revue Argument
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics. Berlin : De Gruyter (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series), 280 p.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Ontologie de la chair : Phantasmes philosophiques et médicaux de la conceptualisation narrative. Limoges : Lambert-Lucas, 470 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Introduction : Kierkegaard’s Existential Ethics for the 21st Century. Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics, Berlin : De Gruyter (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series), p. 1-13.
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Existential Ethics and Liberal Eugenics.Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics, Berlin : De Gruyter (Kierkegaard Studies Monograph Series), p. 215-34.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Is an Inauthentic Life Possible? Krise und Kritik: Philosophische Analyse und Zeitgeschehen. Beiträge des 42. Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium, Hrsg. Anne Siegetsleitner, Andreas Oberprantacher & Marie-Luisa Frick, Band XXVII, 2019, p. 74-76.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Logic, language and existential knowledge. The Kierkegaardian Mind, ed. Adam Buben, Eleanor Helms & Patrick Stokes, London: Routledge, p. 397-408.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. A Kierkegaardian Influence on the Tractatus ? Philosophie der Logik und Mathematik. Beiträge des 41. Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium, Hrsg. Gabriele M. Mras, Paul Weingartner, Bernhard Ritter, Band XXVI.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. Le roman contre le réel : la littérature existentielle chez Milan Kundera et Imre Kertész. La littérature et la vie, éd. Christophe Ippolito, Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. « Rencontres », p. 299-311.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017. Who ‘sees the world rightly’? The ‘I’ as tension in Wittgenstein’s writings. Die Philosophie der Wahrnehmung und der Beobachtung. Beiträge des 40. Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium, Hrsg. Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau und Friedrich Stadler, Band XXV, Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, p. 59-61.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017. Philosophy of Existence in France in the 1930s. In: Arne Grøn, René Rosfort & K. Brian Söderquist (ed.). Kierkegaard’s Existential Approach, Berlin: De Gruyter, p. 7-26.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Rodolphe Adam, Kierkegaard et Lacan. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources, vol. 18, tome IV), Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 21-26.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Rachel Bespaloff, Cheminements et carrefours. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 35-40.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. André Clair, Kierkegaard : Existence et éthique. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 55-60.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Vincent Delecroix, Singulière philosophie : essai sur Kierkegaard. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 79-84.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Benjamin Fondane, La conscience malheureuse. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 99-104.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Benjamin Fondane, Rencontres avec Léon Chestov. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research : Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 105-110.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Kierkegaard : special issue of Kairos. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 131-136.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Kierkegaard vivant. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 137-142.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Aude-Marie Lhote, La notion de pardon chez Kierkegaard ou Kierkegaard lecteur de l’Épître aux Romains. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 143-150.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Hélène Politis, Kierkegaard en France au XXe siècle : Archéologie d’une réception. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 169-174.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Henri-Bernard Vergote, Sens et répétition : Essai sur l’ironie kierkegaardienne. In: Stewart J. (éd). Kierkegaard Secondary Literature. Tome IV: Finnish, French, Galician and German (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources), vol. 18, tome IV, Aldershot, Ashgate, p. 181-186.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard on Ethics, Religious Justification and Meaning, Ästhetik heute. Beiträge des 39. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, Hrsg. Stefan Majetschak und Anja Weiberg, Band XXIV, Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, p. 81-83.
Fox-Muraton M. 2015. Kierkegaard on Language and Meaning: A Brief Contribution to Kierkegaard-Wittgenstein Scholarship, Realismus-Relativismus-Konstructivismus. Beiträge des 38. Internationalen Wittgenstein Symposiums, Hrsg. Christian Kanzian, Josef Mitterer, Katharina Neges, Band XXIII, Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, p. 92-94.
Fox-Muraton M. 2014. Artaud, Panizza, et le Moi face à l’asile de fous : écriture contre la folie ou écriture folle ? In : Dumasy-Queffelec L., Spengler H. (dirs.). Médecine, Sciences de la vie et Littérature en France et en Europe, de la Révolution à nos jours. Vol. I. Herméneutique et clinique, Genève : Droz, p. 309-322.
Fox-Muraton M. 2014. « Elle reviendra. Bien sûr » : éthique(s) et esthétique(s) de la répétition dans le deuil. In : Hidalgo-Bachs B., Milkovitch-Rioux C. (éds.). Écrire le deuil dans les littératures des XXe-XXIe siècles. Clermont-Ferrand : Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, p. 55-66.
Fox-Muraton M. 2013. Psychopathia criminalis : l’homme moderne entre aliénisme et criminologie. In : Coyault S., Message J. (coords.). Fictions et vérités assassines. Clermont-Ferrand : Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, p. 321-331.
Fox-Muraton M., 2010. Maria Xosé Queizan : Antigone contre la modernité et la mondialisation. In : Duroux R. (Coord.). Les Antigones contemporaines (de 1945 à nos jours). Clermont-Ferrand : Clermont Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, (Collection Mythographies et Sociétés) p. 321-331.
Fox-Muraton, M. (2024). Alexithymia And Neurodivergence: A Wittgenteinian Deconstruction. Colloque International Association Ludwig Wittgenstein, Vienne, Août
Fox-Muration, M. (2024). Spaces Of Everyday Existence: Kierkegaard, Laïcité And Public Policy, Kierkegaard And French Laïcité – French Institute Of Denmark – Copenhagen, Octobre
Fox-Muraton, M. (2024). Mental Health And Being A Man: Depression And Gender In Guilty?/Not Guilty? Americain Academy Of Religion : Kierkegaard And The Construction Of Masculinities, Online (San Diego), November
FOX-MURATON, M. (2023). Dialoguer avec Kierkegaard et Wittgenstein. International wittgenstein symposium, Poitiers, mars
FOX-MURATON, M. (2023). Autistic (Un)Masking and the Challenges of Authentic Self-Disclosure. Existential Philosophy for times of Change and Crisis : Difference, disbility, diversity – International Conference Programme, Online, juillet
Fox-Muraton, M. (2024). Kierkegaard on Misunderstanding, HKL-SKC Conference, Online, 13-15 march
Fox-Muraton M., K 2022(In)communicabilité de l’expérience : Kierkegaard en dialogue avec Wittgenstein, Vertiges du soi, 20-21 octobre 2022, Paris.
Fox-Muraton M., 2022. Distinctiveness, Diversity and Relationality: Challenging Kierkegaard’s Concepts for a Contemporary Existential Ethics of Inclusiveness. Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis : Loneliness and Togetherness, Cracow University of Economics, 2-3 septembre, Cracovie, Pologne
Fox-Muraton M., 2022. Distinctiveness without Distinction: Secularising Kierkegaard’s Concepts for a Contemporary Existential Ethics. Kierkegaard Today: Existential Ethics with or without Religion, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, 20 mai, Copenhagen, Danemark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2021. Kierkegaard on Love, Sexuality, and the Dangers of Objectification. Kierkegaard and Love, The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard, 4-5 November.
Fox-Muraton M., 2021. There is no good life where others are in chains (Camus). Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis, 26 August.
Fox-Muraton M., 2021. On the Limits of Normative Discourse and Intimate Self-Determination: Kierkegaardian Existential Ethics and the Language of Sexuality. Kierkegaard and the Question of Identity, Gender and Sexuality, SKC Annual Conference, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, 12-14 August, Copenhagen.
Fox-Muraton M., 2021. Love, reciprocity, equilibrium: Simone de Beauvoir in dialogue with Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard in France, 5-7 May, Cambridge.
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. On the value of life, just causes, and moral demand: existential ethics and public policy. Biomedical Ethics Meets Kierkegaard, Faculty of Theology, University of Rostock, 30-31 October, on line.
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Aphantasia and the Language Games of Imagination”, How to do things with Wittgenstein: The applicability of his ideas within philosophy and beyond. Pedagogical University of Cracow, 12-13 September, on line.
Fox-Muraton M., 2020. Freedom and morality in times of crisis. Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis, 10-11 August, on line.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. World without imagination: Consequences of aphantasia for an existential account of self. Colloque Imagination in Kierkegaard (and Beyond), Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven,17-18 October, Leuven, Belgium.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Kierkegaard and Beauvoir on uncertainty, freedom and equality. Colloque international : Living in uncertainty: Kierkegaard and possibility. University of London, 12-14 September, Londres.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Is an inauthentic life possible? 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, 4–10 August, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Autriche.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Kierkegaard : une éthique existentielle pour notre époque ? Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics, Groupe ESC Clermont-Auvergne, 2-3 mai, Clermont-Ferrand.
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Toward a Positive Theory of Existential Ethics. Summer Workshop in Continental Ethics, Existentialism, 19-22 June, Morgantown, West Virginia University (USA).
Fox-Muraton M., 2019. Rachel Bespaloff, ou l’expression de « la souplesse tourmentée de la vie.« Altérité et pensée du dehors : la philosophie existentielle en Europe et ailleurs, RSE Existential Philosophy & Literature Research Network, 22-23 mars, la Sorbonne, Paris.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. Equality for ‘unconditionnaly every human being’ ? SKC Annual Conference 2018 : Kierkegaard in Dialogue with Late Modernity : Politics, Media, and Society ? The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, 15-17 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. A Kierkegaardian Influence on the Tractatus. 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium, 5-11 August, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
Fox-Muraton M., 2018. Language and the Logic of Ethical Existence. The Eighth International Kierkegaard Conference : «The Wisdom of Kierkegaard :what existential lessons have you learned from him?» Hong Kierkegaard Library, 13-17 June, St Olaf college, USA.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017. Who ‘sees the world rightly’? The ‘I’ tension in Wittgenstein’s writings. 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 6-12 August, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017. The Foundation of Existential Ethics. Annual EtHu Seminar 2017: The Foundation of Existential Ethics, Vrjie Universiteit Brussel, 19 May, Brussels, Belgium.
Fox-Muraton M., 2017.Le problème de l’intériorité et le ‘je’ du langage : la subjectivité chez Wittgenstein ? Journée d’étude « Wittgenstein », PHIER, Université Clermont Auvergne, 10 février, Clermont-Ferrand.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Kierkegaard : l’existence et la philosophie existentielle. Séminaire Enseigner la philosophie : l’état et l’existence, Académie de Clermont-Ferrand, 17 novembre, Clermont-Ferrand.
Fox-Muraton M., 2016. Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard on Ethics, Religious Justification and Meaning. 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium, August 7-13, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
Fox-Muraton M., 2015. French Philosophy of Existence in the 1930s: the early reception of Kierkegaard and the method of existential philosophy. SKC Annual Conference 2015, Reconsidering Kierkegaard’s Existential Approach, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, 19-21 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2015. Kierkegaard on Language and Meaning: A Brief Contribution to Kierkegaard-Wittgenstein Scholarship. 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Realism, Relativism, Constructivism, 9-15 August, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
Fox-Muraton M., 2014. N’avoir pas le droit d’avoir un monde. Séminaire « Non-humains, philosophie et sciences sociales », Origens Media Lab, FBS, 27 mars, Clermont-Ferrand.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Methodology for (Mis)use: Legitimacy and Limits, Uses and Abuses of Kierkegaard. The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Copenhagen Business School, 14-18 October, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Death, Alienation and Being-With: Rethinking the Existential Stance on Subjectivity, “The Existential Interpretation of Human Beings in Philosophy and Psychology: Validity and Topicality. The 200th Anniversary of Kierkegaard’s Birth”, European Humanities University, Center for Philosophical Anthropology, 3-6 October, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Kierkegaardian Ethics and the Crisis of Contemporary Moral Philosophy. 7th International Kierkegaard Conference, Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, 23-27 June, Northfield (Minnesota), USA.
Fox-Muraton M., 2013. Kierkegaard Research in the Francophone World. Kierkegaard Reconsidered in a Global World, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, 6-8 May, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Nouveaux modèles de l’humain : le magnétisme animal entre positivisme et science morale. Séminaire « Transferts des savoirs : Les savoirs du vivant », Centre de recherches Interdisciplinaires et Transculturelles, Université de Franche-Comté, 13 décembre, Besançon, France.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. L’oubli de la dissimulation. Colloque Institut Psychanalyse et Management : Mensonge, dissimulation, déni, dénégation et oubli ? Les discours du management entre réalité et illusion, Groupe ESC Clermont-Auvergne, 29-30 novembre, Clermont-Ferrand.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Love and Desire as Knowledge and Responsibility. Kierkegaard on Love and the Passions, The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, August 21-24, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Habermas, Kierkegaard & the future of ethics. Kierkegaard and the Philosophical Traditions, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, August 9-10, Trondheim, Norway.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Upbuilding as Philosophical Endeavour. Kierkegaard’s Late Upbuilding Discourses, University of Sheffield, Oxford University, The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, May 4-6, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2012. Amour et désir entre phénoménologie et exigence éthique: Éléments pour un dialogue entre Kierkegaard et Levinas. Séminaire « Amour, désir et idéal », Lycée polyvalent de Haute-Auvergne, 15 mars, St-Flour, France.
Fox-Muraton M., 2011. Levinas on Kierkegaard’s Challenges to Judaism. International Kierkegaard Conference: Challenges to Religion and Its Later Echoes: Kierkegaard’s Diagnosis and Response, Søren Kierkegaard Forskningscenteret, Københavns Universitet, August 24-26, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2010. Virtue and the Ethics of Interrogation: A Kierkegaard Response to Maclntyre. Lederidealet 2020: Fører nutidens lederidealer til den fremtid vi gerne vil se? Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond, 4-5 November, Copenhagen, Denemark.
Fox-Muraton M., 2010. L’individu ou l’élection ? Kierkegaard, Levinas et la difficile liberté. Colloque international Emmanuel Levinas: Lectures de Difficile liberté, Société internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas, North American Levinas Society, 5-9 juillet, Toulouse, France.
Fox-Muraton M., 2010. The Present Age of Indifference: On Economic and Ethical Modes of Mattering. Sixth International Kierkegaard Conference: Why Kierkegaard Still Matters, Hong Kierkegaard Library, St Olaf College, 27 June-1 July, Northfield, Minnesota, USA.
Fox-Muraton M., 2010. Extra-rational Agency: Kierkegaardian Freedom and the Dialectics of Repetition, Hegel’s Ethical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life Conference, Kalamazoo College, 26-28 February, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.
Interventions professionnelles et rapports d'études
Fox-Muraton M., 2022. Fugue of Melancholy, Philosophy and Beyond. Membre du Comité Scientifique et d’Organisation. University of Economics, Department of philosophy, Institute of philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Krakow. Pologne.
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